About us – Hair Transplants Clinic Budapest

Our mission is to help men from the UK and Ireland get back their young look and self-esteem. Receding hairline, bald patches at the top and around the vertex area make most men less attractive and this results in lower self-esteem. We do hair transplants – that is what we are good at. No PRP, no hair loss treatments of all sort. We do what we like and we do our best to help young, middle-aged and even elderly people to change their lives for good.

Hair implants abroad

Our hair clinic “Hair Palace” has been performing hair transplants for nearly 10 years. We have a modern clinic with the best hair surgeons available in Budapest, Hungary. We do compete with Turkish clinics to attract UK and Irish male patients but we have some advantages over Istambul. As part of the EU all medical procedures must meet a certain standard as strict EU laws apply. We do not have the assembly line hair loss surgery and most patients will need to wait about 6-8 weeks to get an appointment at our hair transplants clinic.

We are pretty popular with our patients and many of them come back a year later to have a second session. In Turkey they implant anything technically possible to a patients head – we do take patients’ long term needs and well-being into account when creating a treatment plan. We are more than confident and sure that those who need a second session will return to us – as we like happy and satisfied clients. We have a team of 40+ staff with 10 years of exeperience working with French, English and Irish patients. Should you have any question regarding options please feel free to register with us and we will be of service any time after that. We offer consultations online or in one of these locations: London, Leeds, Birmingham, Manchester, Bristol, Sheffield and Dublin.

Hair Transplants Clinic Budapest, Hungary - EU country

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